 This is a picture of my team. From the right, Dr. Marko Popovic (project adviser), Andres Leiro, Daniel Fitzgerald, and Thane Hunt (me!).
 An artistic rendition of our robot dog from the WPI Daily Herd Campus Newspaper 
 We passed the mic around and improvised when Professor Popovic decided to give us a nice surprise by volunteering us to give a quick speech at the Cambridge Science Festival in 2015. It was fun, and best of all, our robot worked great during our dem
 A very early prototype joint that I built when my team was only me. Here, the leg is fully constrained by springs rather than muscles, in order to allow us to experiment with the elastic dynamics of the quadruped without yet having implemented the a
 We observed that a single muscle was not creating the highly energetic motion we expected, so I attached a second muscle to see what would happen. This worked acceptably, but I later determined that water flow (viscous drag) was the real problem to
 After discovering that high-speed water doesn't resemble an ideal gas, we improved our plumbing to reduce the occurrence of large degree angles. I 3D printed some hydraulic muscle fittings with a less severe angle. It worked great, however great car
 We ran a 5K as a team! I didn't know about it in advance, but I ran it in slacks to be a good sport. I kept assuring myself that my time was "at least better than our robot's".
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